D. yes, i bough cleaning supplies, first aid items, and lightbulbs
to emphasize how free the camper is to do as he pleases
the deal with Spencer is he wants the better way around in the what other better way is to go through the chemicals of the ecology psychologist or chemistry he looking for that dance for me feeling
Answer: C. Selflessness.
According to Defoe, a servant's best quality is selflessness. The ideal of a servant in <em>Robinson Crusoe</em> is Friday. Friday is an indigenous person from the Caribbean. He is rescued by Crusoe, and becomes his servant. Friday is a key figure in the novel, and an example of the selflessness Defoe values. Friday is willing to give anything for Crusoe, and he even asks to be killed rather than being forced to leave the service of his master.
This is False because the town form of government began in New England colonies.