increase reliance on authorities
The term authority is considered as the "legitimate power" that an individual or group of individuals consists and practice over the other individuals. It is usually being made formal by a specific way of an executive and a judicial branch of government.
However, any general population doesn't possess the resources, expertise, or time often in order to evaluate or appraise claims by oneself.
command economy. here's the definition of command economy:
"A command economy is an economic system where the government has control over the production and pricing of goods and services."
Answer: overextension of words
When children are still around the age of three they may confuse the meaning of words. As a result they may use one word for different things which are not even related maybe because in their still developing mind they see some minor similarities.
For example a car and a bus both have wheels and travel on the road these similarities may cause a child to refer to them both as cars.
If there are these minor similarities that they observe between things, they are likely to use one word to name those things that show similarities.
This occurs because children haven't really grasped the use of langauge, definition of words and all its collect grammar.
I'm sorry, but what are you trying to say?