The empire separated between its western and eastern segments. The Eastern Empire kept going longer politically.
Constantine tried to bind together the realm under the Christian confidence understanding and requiring the Nicea Council to meet close to Constantinople in 325 AD. Additionally, Constantine's move of the cash-flow to New Rome left the Bishop of Rome as the most grounded authority figure in Rome itself, which empowered the improvement of the intensity of the papacy.
The Senate of the roman republic passed decrees that formed constitued "advice" from the senate to the magistrate through the decrees the senate directed the magistrates in their prosecution of military conflicts
2. The last great gold rush. 1896-1899 also called the Yukon gold rush or the Alaskan gold rush.
After the Renaissance, people were enlightened and stood against the traditional authority of the monarch to rule. In order to get rid of the tradition of the king rule which brought chaos and destruction, a need for central government was necessary.
Individual freedom was important as each and every person's right cannot be neglected in a democratic country. Liberty was required for the free man to take decisions. And Equality was important so that the rich doesn't get richer and poor doesn't get poorer.