<span>"Visual poetry" can be defined as poetry that is meant to be seen - poetry that presupposes a viewer as well as a reader.
Visual poetry, was made as an approach to consolidate picture and poetry. The significance of dialect is underscored in this sort of art, as the shapes the words make are similarly as critical as what they say. Literary scholars have distinguished visual poetry as an improvement of solid poetry yet with the qualities of intermedia in which non-authentic dialect and visual components prevail.
It was, and still is, more hard to spell
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in the Georgia legislature and must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of both the state House and state Senate followed by ratification by a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly at the next general election which is held in the even-numbered years. The Constitution can also be amended by proposal at a constitutional convention, the calling of which must receive the support of a two-thirds majority vote by both houses of the legislature and a simple majority of state voters.
I think its a GAL (aka a Gurdian ad liteum) they represent the child or a caffcas officer ..sorry if that didn't help.
D: pick a running mate who, if elected, will be the vice president
For one to be able to run for an election, the person must belong to a political party which is an umbrella body or group of individuals with broad common interests who organize to nominate candidates for office, win elections, conduct government, and determine public policy.
Primary Election are Elections conducted where voters choose a candidate from within a party e.g. democratic party, to run in the general election.
General Election is conducted to select officers for local, county, state, and federal offices. Elections for county, state and federal offices are held in the US in November of even numbered years. For the office of the presidency, one must have a running mate who is going to be the Vice president. The position is selected mostly after party primaries where the main president candidate has being selected.