<em>If Your not sane (sanity) Then your more or likely Insane (insanity)</em>
<em>The definition of sanity is: the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health.</em>
<em>The definition of Insanity is the complete opposite: the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness Or, extreme foolishness or irrationality.</em>
<em>In Between is usually more lean to insanity, but most times its one or the other, your sane or your not. </em>
Perspiration is the not effective way to gauge the level at which your body is working during exercise.
The mother and father's DNA must be put into their offspring unless one is an ressesive trait. You can use a punnett square to help set up the likely blood type of the offspring.
If i’m not mistaken your answers should be
1. B
2. B or D (most likely B)
3. B
4. A i think
5. C or D
i hope i could help
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