MRNA it is the messenger, for it "feeds" information
Between Japan and China in Korea. Fought over the control of Korea basically.
An amino acid can be encoded by more than one codon.
Codons are triplets of nucleotides in mRNA that are used for the protein synthesis (translation). A codon specifies a single amino acid, but there are exceptions. tRNA molecule contain anticodons, triplets of nucleotides that are complementary to codons. So, during the translation, tRNA carries the amino acid, that corresponds to the codon in mRNA.
Degenerate genetic code (more than one codon can code for the same amino acid) is important, because when point mutation occurs it is possible that the amino acid remains unchanged.
Independent grouping of qualities happens amid meiosis in eukaryotes. Meiosis could be a sort of cell division that diminishes the number of chromosomes in a parent cell by half to deliver four regenerative cells called gametes. In people, diploid cells contain 46 chromosomes, with 23 chromosomes acquired from the mother and a moment comparative set of 23 chromosomes acquired from the father. Sets of comparable chromosomes are called homologous chromosomes. Amid meiosis, the sets of homologous chromosome are separated in half to make haploid cells, and this partition, or grouping, of homologous chromosomes is arbitrary. This implies that all of the maternal chromosomes will not be isolated into one cell, whereas the all fatherly chromosomes are isolated into another. Instep, after meiosis happens, each haploid cell contains a blend of qualities from the organism's mother and father.