take the verb, or the stem of the irregular verb, and add the appropriate endings of avoir in the present tense (-ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont). Futur is def one of the easiest tenses to recognize and write in, it's just takes some practice!
Hello dave
mike give me a copy of the vidéo i watched the whole tape last night and you're still right i sing my song around 22 : 30 . kevin martineau sing after me i left the party before the song .l do not always get puzzled
If it's a French question ==>
In France , collège ==> high school
université ==> university
Sorry if this is wrong my french is really rusty:
what do you do for fun?
what are your hobbies/leisure activities?
hope this helps you!! :)
<span>7) Remplis le blanc avec (ce) qui, (ce) que, ou qu':
Dis-moi ce qui est arrivé?
8) Quelle phrase est correcte?
Je veux être prof.
1. False
3..que je lis
4.qui n'ont pas----
5.ce que tu dis
6.que nous utilisons