Differences between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
1. Anatomical: The location of preganglionic neurons of the autonomic ganglia and the extension of preganglionic and postganglionic fibers are different in these two systems;
2. Pharmacological: In the Sympathetic system we have the presence of Cholinergic fibers (Ach) and in the Parasympathetic system we have the presence of Noradrenergic fibers (NE);
3. Physiological: They act antagonistically, they rarely work harmoniously synergistically in coordinating visceral activity (balance)
The atomic number of protactinium is 91
Radio waves need a medium to transfer.
Dorsal Cavity include the cranial cavity and spinal cord, meninges and cerebral canal also called the spine.
Ventral Cavity include lungs,,abdominalcavity,mediastinum,diaphragm.
The dorsal body cavity is located at the dorsal side of human body. It consist of spinal cord , cranial cavity and they are lined by meninges. The meninges serves as the covering and protective membrane for the dorsal cavities.
The ventral body cavity is found in the anterior part of the human body. It consist of thorasic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity. The abdominopelvic cavity consist of abdominal cavity which comprises of digestive organs and pelvic cavity which include the urinary bladder, reproductive organs. The thorasic cavity include the chest, lungs ,heartand mediastinum which divide the thorasic cavity