Beowulf and crew made their way to Hrothgar's kingdom, Beowulf defeated Grendel and took over the kingdom after making some sort of deal with Grendel's mom, defeated Grendel's mom later on, and died of his wounds after battling the dragon.<span>
It is an angry and generally lengthy speech or piece of writing used to strongly and forcefully criticize someone or something. It has also been defined as a prolonged discource in the past; an abusive or bitter opinion piece; or satirical or ironic criticism.
from whowever offered is the answer hope I helped please give brailiest :)
The metaphor in stanza 8 is "Has earned a night's repose" Because the author is comparing both the characters earnings to the *Nights repose* (without like or as, ofc because it's not a simile)
^^ Hope this helped :)
B, A, C, A (this last one I am not positive about)