The digestive system is where everything goes when you eat it, which includes your stomach, and all the other organs that help break down/ carry the food.
Answer: Option A
Explanation: Attributions are inferences people make from events or behaviours ,it might be from someone attitude or an event. We have external and internal type of attribution.
From the above options, there are all attributions but situational attributions are attributions people make from situational events that may one way or the other affect them.
The best option from the options above is option A, Randy doesn't like dirty dishes and what he met in the kitchen was something he doesn't like and the cause of this event is the laziness of his daughter which he blames.
Stern et al. (1999) and Stern (2000), define this variable as those general visions about the world, reflected in the beliefs that people express about their relationship with the environment and nature.
It reflected that Rome was the most powerful country at that time so people flocked to participate and take advantage of the times to gain wealth.
El arte egipcio siempre fue ante todo funcional. No importa cuan hermosa sea una estatua, su proposito era servir como hogar para un espiritu o un dios.