Answer: Yes
Environmental problems like pollution has a solution. To curb this, measures must be put in place in making sure waste management agencies are establish. The work of these agencies will be handling wastes and disposing them at the best strategic places apportioned for this very purpose which will be in the outskirt of residential areas to avoid inhaling of toxins that emanates from these rubbish.
Allie should wear sunscreen to protect herself from skin cancer and maintain a healthy lifestyle and mindset, these could help in the long run! Hope this helped!
The classifications of the carbon as primary secondary tertiary and quaternary depends on the number of the carbon atoms attached to a carbon. In case, the carbon is attached to a single carbon, then it is referred as primary carbon. If the carbon is attached to two carbons, then it is referred as the secondary carbon, if the carbon is attached to three carbons then it is referred as tertiary, and if the carbon forms all the bond with another carbon atom then it is referred as quatenary carbon.
The given below is the picture showing the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quarternary carbons in 4-isopropyl-2,4,5-trimethylheptane:
Martin Luther King, Jr. had dedicated his life to stopping racist acts and giving African-Americans freedom. ... He felt that if white people can have clean water and can sit in the front of the bus and can have good working jobs, then African-Americans can too. Dr.