The geological features were different. And humans development was different.
1. Molecular evidence: similar proteins and genes found in closely related species, even if those genes are not used by an organism.
2. Fossil evidence: organisms changing form over time through the fossil record.
Direct observation. We can directly observe small-scale evolution in organisms
with short lifecycles (e.g., pesticide-resistant insects).
A. two haploid gametes fuse to form a diploid cell
Meiosis is a type of cell division. When a parent cell with "2n" chromosomes enters the process of meiosis, four daughter cells each with "n" chromosomes are formed. This occurs since homologous chromosomes separate from each other during anaphase-I. However, meiosis does not include the fusion of two haploid cells. The fusion of two haploid cells mainly occurs during the process of fertilization during which a haploid male gamete and a haploid female gamete fuse to form a diploid zygote.
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
D. the moveable and proximal attachment