"When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same leader, or in the same group of leaders, there can be no liber
ty" -Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws Montesquieu was one a of the enlightenment philosophers that influenced how the founding fathers structured the federal government; based on the quote above, what feature of government did we gain from Montesquieu?
In this quote from Baron de Montesquieu, he stated that if the legislative and executive arms of government are aways in unity then, the checks and balances that should be in government would be absent and this would result in a lack of liberty.
The arms of government are supposed to have a separation of powers or a high degree of independence so that one arm of government does not assume an authoritarian disposition that would lead to a loss of liberty for the people.
B; to indicate that the OED's editors have been studying the way people use words informally online.
Monitor means to watch and OED can add words to their dictionary more commonly used words such as ¨lol¨. Very interesting thing to study on twitter though.