The Tell-Tale Heart
"The Tell-Tale Heart" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. It was about some detectives capturing a man who admits to the killing of an old man with a strange eye. The murder is carefully planned, and the killer killed the old man's by pulling his bed on top of the man and hiding the body under the floor.
I read this story on 7th grade, the things they taught me were terrifying.
(if there aren't any options) it really just depends on your opinion, but to me it would have to be 1st person. it can also can be considered the most explanatory, but again that's only my opinion.
hope this is helpful!
Many people have a hard time showing courage they are afraid of sticking out and being humiliated. Sometimes, when people need to speak out against things in life, such as bullying, they don't want to get hurt or laughed. Where people are socially is a huge part of life and our well-being today, so often others are forcing themselves to stay quiet and out of situations when they could actually be doing a lot to help them.
(sorry if it was kinda short, but all you have to do is elaborate more on the bullying or just leave it at that!)