Both glycerophospholipids and sphingolipid structures are asymmetrically distributed in the two layers of the phospholipid bilayer. Sphingolipids are membrane lipids that have a ceramide backbone while glycerophospholipid has glycerol present in its membrane lipids. Sphingolipids may or may not be present.
1- Paleozoic era
2- mesozoic era
3- Cenozoic era
i cant help youuuu
...mmmm... i dont knowww solo sorryyy abput itt!!!
ssoorryyyy SORRY
False. Bone can be classified as a connective tissue because it provides support and structure to the body.
Connective tissue is those tissues that fill spaces between organs and other tissues, and also provide support to the organism. It is characterized by the presence of different types of cells separated by intercellular material synthesized by them.
The bony tissue is the principal structural and supportive connective tissue that differs from the other connective tissues because its extracellular matrix is mineralized, which makes it possible to accomplish its support and protection function due to its rigidity and hardness. The mineral that deposits in the osteoid matrix is the calcium phosphate, composing hydroxyapatite crystals. The bony tissue is a storage site of calcium and phosphate, which are available for maintaining constant the calcium blood levels according to the individual physiological needs.