It is stored as triglycerides.
During interphase, the cell grows and the DNA replicates. After that there's the mitotic phase where the replicated DNA and the contents in the cytoplasm are sperated in a way that the cell divides.
D. decrease the amount of erosion along the hillside
When logging operations are conducted on a hillside near a river, the operations will decrease the amount of erosion along the hillside because the tree's root hold soil particles and does not allow them to erosion. We can see in many region that there is presence of vegetation on the bank of river or stream in order to prevent erosion of soil so that's why we can say that logging operations causes decrease erosion along hillside.
It is very easy and simple difference that is antigens and antibodies .
it can be different due to donor and recipient also .
A type blood having antigens
whereas B type blood having nil.
B type blood having antibodies
whereas A type blood having nil.
If a cell was to undergo all the activities, eg cell division my mitosis, it results in growth. When we were still zygotes, cell division happened by mitosis resulting in the grown ups we are now. Over division results in growth of cancer cells. And if the body exercises, Lymphocytes are produced more, resulting in more of them circulating in blood preventing disease attacks