Most liekly ice because ice can cause burns onto the skin which are pretty hazdous just like they make creams to cure cancer and they burn holes into the skin
Q: what are some of the ways to psychological test might produce biased or inaccurate results?
A: social, cognitive and behaviors among each test participants. These can lead to problematic behaviors such as poor reading and writing which they can perform inconsistently.
Q: do you think that some disorders such as ADHD anxiety and depression are over diagnosed today?
A: these conditions are mostly over-diagnosed today. ADHD is mostly diagnosed in young children and teens and anxiety and depression is common in youth as well.
If you have a parent or sibling with it
Sigmund Freud psychoanalytic theory also explains the phenomena of repression in which a person unconsciously pushes an event or information out of their memory because the feelings and emotions triggered by that memory are too painful. Hence, the person becomes unaware of that thought or event as it is non-existent and never occurred.