#First we define the variables to house the temperatures
#temp is an empty array that will be used to store the temperature
Temp = []
#The months is defined as stated below
months = 12
#Ask the user for the temperature input and unit if possible
print("Kindly enter the temperature here")
#the program enter loop to get the temperatures.
for x in range(months):
InitTemp = str(input("Kindly add the unit behind the number .eg C for celcius"))
for x in range(len(Temp)):
print("The Temperature is", " ", Temp[x], "for the ", j, "Month" )
#there is an attached photo for the flowchart
You need answers to the question
Answer: the purpose of a web browser is to help answer and needed questions, and to get to sites.
I had 7 assignments all do at the same time for different classes. They were all incredibly tedious so I strategized and did the assignments that I knew well first, then completed the others. I evaluated the pros and cons of this strategy and decided that if I had done the harder ones first it would have taken more time and I would have been too stressed to complete the others. I hope that helps!
Option (a) myCar
Option (a) is Correct
If there are two or more words in variable we can use camel case to declare the variable. In camel case first character of first word is either a lowercase alphabet or underscore (_) and first character of second word is a uppercase alphabet. ex: empNum, myCar
So the Option (a) myCar is correct among the given options
Option (b) is incorrect
Since both the first letter of two words are in lower case which is not according to camel case rules
Option (c) is incorrect
The first letter of first word is in lower case first character of second word is a uppercase alphabet but there is a gap so it is not valid .
Option (d) is incorrect
The first word is in upper case and first character of second word is a uppercase alphabet it is not valid.