Not very.
Size - Dissimilar.: China is 25 times larger than Japan.Population - Dissimilar.: China has over 10 times the population of Japan.Geography - Dissimilar.: China is a mainland state while Japan is an archipelago.Spoken language - Dissimilar.: Japanese is an atonal language with roughly 15 gradations of politeness for different situations, while Mandarin, the official state language of China, is a tonal language with no tense or gender. Speakers of Japanese typically attempt to say as little as possible as politely as possible while speakers of Mandarin typically attempt to say as much as possible in as few words as possible.Written language - Similar: Both dominantly use variants of a historical Chinese writing system, with Japan having adopted it in the 4th or 5th Century AD. Readers of Chinese and Japanese are typically able to puzzle some meaning out of the other language, but the written languages have diverged substantially, especially with 20th Century China's simplification of hanji. And of course they are pronounced completely differently.Religion - Dissimilar.: Japan practices Buddhism, Shinto and Christianity. China officially had no religion for a long time, but is more Buddhist than anything else. The Chinese state endorses Confucianism, which is more a historical philosophy than a religion.Ethnicity - Similar: China is 91.5% ethnically Han with 55 minorities. Japan is 98.5% Japanese with a smattering of Korean, Chinese and other. Genetically, Han and Japanese are identical.Politics - Dissimilar.: China is a centrally managed post-Communist state that is not democratic. Japan is a parliamentary democracy with a relatively powerless hereditary monarchy similar to England.GDP per capita - Dissimilar: China has a 2015 GDP per capita of $8,154 USD while Japan's is over four times larger at $33,223 USD.
He predicted that it would first happen in France
Pope Urban II promised the people that if they participated in the Crusades ALL of their sins would be washed away.
To encourage Christians to participate in the Crusades he told the people that if they went to reclaim their Holy Land from the Muslims their sins would be washed away and in their afterlife they would be well-awarded. This highly encouraged knights, but also the peasants the promise of immunity since sin was prevalent in Europe.
Answer:In ancient Greece, theatre was a really big deal. Crowds of 15,000 people would gather to see a play. Theatre was so important to the ancient Greeks that prisoners would be released from jail temporarily, so they could also attend. Every town had at least one theatre.
A. We constructing the great wall in constructing large ships for exploration
1 Majority of the existing Great Wall of China was built in the Ming era.
#2 Seven epic voyages were led by the great Chinese admiral Zheng He.
#3 Ming period saw great development in printing.
#4 The most comprehensive book on traditional Chinese medicine was written.
The Ming Dynasty ruled China from 1368 to 1644 A.D., during which China's population would double. Known for its trade expansion to the outside world that established cultural ties with the West, the Ming Dynasty is also remembered for its drama, literature and world-renowned porcelain.