F# is a Part of the sharp family or whatever you want to call it but any note with # is a sharp, A sharp is raising the notes pitch to make it higher where Bb stands for B flat, Flat meaning to lower the notes pitch.
F# Would be on one end and Bb would be on the other because of the note's octave
the notes shown in the picture are going up raising their volume in pitch making it either higher or lower due to the kind of note it could be.
I don't know if this makes any sense
The theory of imitationalism.
Myth and Ritual are interconnected. Myth is a tradition and when it is followed with a ritual, it becomes religious. Dithyramb is a myth sung as poem in praise of Dionysus, the God of wine.
Myth - A story of tradition that involved supernatural powers or Godly characters.
Ritual - A ceremony or religious activities performed as a rite according to a sequence as mentioned.
Dithyramb - A poem sung in chorus dedicated to the God of wine and fertility, Dionysus.
An effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling.
That is what the dictionary said.