Here, you can copy off of / copy and paste this:
His mom compares the stairs to life by showing how hard it is. She shows how hard it is by comparing her tough life to splinters, tacks, boards, etc.
“[A]sk not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”
Answer:"its all about working harder for temporary gain"
A metaphor is a figurative language device. The other answers are entirely different.
During Shakespeare time which was in the 16th century aka 1500’s was that there was a “social class” type of audience sequence where the queen would sit in the “best seat” so everyone could see her. There would be a gentleman’s room only for men to have a good view. The normal or more underclass people would sit on the floor leaning against the stage. Basically everything depended on your royalty in some type of way. Modern day today it all depends on how much your ticket cost to see where you sit