he equivalent resistance will
be Ω. If each resistor is doubled,
b) A listing of each driver as well as the number of deliveries that he or she has made
SQL which stands for Structured Query Language. and an SQL statements are used in performing tasks such as to update data on a database, or retrieve data from a database. Some of the popular relational database management systems that use SQL are: Sybase, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Ingres, Access, etc.
word processing falls into the productivity education application.
The term Myriad means an indefinitely large number of things. And when we say Myriad of data, we mean an indefinitely large amount of data like in Petabytes.
What it does implies is that you are dealing with a large amount of data. And hence we are dealing with something like bigData. And hence, technologies related to BigData are going to operate. And this term is used as a noun as well as an adjective when we talk about English. And hence, you can use it with "a" or without the "a" as well. It has been a part of reputable English and has been repeatedly used by top authors like Milton.
Alan Turing fathered the machines we now lovingly call computers, however it was Nicola Tesla that birthed the idea of a world-wide wireless system.