Hi! I'm a little confused on what your asking... Are you asking if this is a good summary if this is what you wrote for what the sirens offer of temptation? If so, it does seem pretty good but it looks like you based it off from the text and quoted from it. Just elaborate most of it in your own words and you should be fine. :)
Answer : The sentences from the excerpt that seems to foreshadow Dexter’s future obsession with “possessing” Judy Jones is -
"He wanted not association with glittering things and glittering people—he wanted the glittering things themselves. Often he reached out for the best without knowing why he wanted it—and sometimes he ran up against the mysterious denials and prohibitions in which life indulges."
Where it is clearly seen that he wants all the best things that was available without the answers of why he wanted them. He always wanted best things or him.
Answer: See all
Anne Sullivan was a teacher who taught Helen Keller, a blind and deaf child, how to communicate and read Braille. Born on April 14, 1866, in Feeding Hills, Massachusetts, Anne Sullivan was a gifted teacher best known for her work with Helen Keller, a blind and deaf child she taught to communicate.
it saying she is skiing at carlyle lake