Dogs were probably domesticated by accident, when wolves began trailing ancient hunter-gatherers to snack on their garbage. Docile wolves may have been slipped extra food scraps, the theory goes, so they survived better, and passed on their genes. Eventually, these friendly wolves evolved into dogs
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G1 phase cell cycle arrest and apoptosis
According to Yan and colleagues 2009 article, cells that were transfected with microRNA-1/206 showed cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase and showed an increase in apoptosis (programmed cell death) which is important for synthesis of mRNA and protein. These processes have a direct effect on cell proliferation by decreasing it.
There are 3 methods to set up a wildflower classification means discovering a new flower. Those methods are discussed below in the explanation section.
Method one (Identification tools using):
- Search the about of the flower in the flower dictionary or flower database.
- Use any app which can identify flower such as Flowerchecker, Naturegate, etc.
- Take photos of the plant and post it on Flicker to get more information.
- Try google photos for searching about the plant by its picture.
Method two( Measuring the physical character of the plant):
- Measure the overall height of the plant.
- Measuring the width of the plant.
- Look at the flower to check how the flower is arranged on the stem.
- Count the petal number of the flower.
- Identify the color of the petals.
- Check the shape and texture of the stem.
- Check the shape, size, and arrangement of the leaves in the plant.
- Use this collected information to identify the flower in a plant database or encyclopedia.
Method three (Identifying the Flower’s Location and Blooming Time):
- Use the climate and terrain to determine the type of the flower.
- Observation of the factors in the geographic location to identify the flower.
- Find out the time of year when the flower bloomed.
- Identify the flower in an online database or encyclopedia using the collected information.
By doing this, you can set up a wildflower classification key and can find out the kingdom, family etc of the flower.
The unequal sharing of electrons gives the water molecule a slight negative charge near its oxygen atom and a slight positive charge near its hydrogen atoms. When a neutral molecule has a positive area at one end and a negative area at the other, it is a polar molecule.
Thank you for your time on brainly , hope this answer helps. Have a great day!