The group may not want to disappoint an influential producer or investor. The second reason maybe they want to avoid a heated argument which could turn the whole project down. Another reason may an expectation of a brief meeting. Involvement in other projects which make them less concern about its success could be another reason.
eagles (Accipitridae)
coyotes (Canis latrans)
gray wolves (Canis lupus)
bears (Ursidae)
mountain lions (Puma concolor)
humans (Homo sapiens)
Those are all the predators of a red fox.... you could have googled it
Answer:It felt it had no choice because Russia and Britain were so powerful.
yes because it separates the economy more
b. Because they do not receive additional compensation through company benefits, contingent IT workers usually make less that full-time employees doing equivalent work.
- contingent workers are a group of people who do not have a clear definition of long-term employment with a company. His work is mainly based on short-term engagements.
- contingent workers do not receive salaries. Instead, they receive payment or commission for the work they do. They are not responsible for benefits such as contract employees and are responsible for their own taxes.
- so answer is b. Because they do not receive additional compensation through company benefits, contingent IT workers usually make less that full-time employees doing equivalent work.