The residual and institutional models are two different approaches to providing aid to citizens in a society. The residual approach focuses more on providing aid only in dire situations to the most needy, while the institutional provides support as a normal aspect of life to all in society.
Put a system in place that sets the poverty level and anyone under that level can receive aide. Also make sure that the person is providing proof of needs. They should have to prove their income, their bills, their debt, and their need. They need to verify information has not changed after a specific time frame. So they need to be sure that they are monitoring the people who have aide and how they are using it. Like if you were making less than 10,000 a year and now you make 24,000; you would not qualify anymore.
This is an easy question just match the code with the morse list but the answer is "DISINFECT" hope it helps would appreciate a brainliest :)