Immunity is the ability of an animal to resist infection.
There are two types of immunity in the body; INNATE OR INHERITED IMMUNITY AND ACQUIRED IMMUNITY. Inherited immunity it is the type of immunity that one is born with. It is passed from parent to offspring.
Acquired immunity is immunity to particular infections that is not inherited but has developed in the animal's life as it interacts with its environment. Acquired immunity can develop naturally in which case it is called NATURAL ACQUIRED IMMUNITY OR ARTIFICALLY.
ACTIVE IMMUNITY is the form of acquired immunity in which the body produces its OWN antibodies against infections. While PASSIVE IMMUNITY is the form of acquired immunity in which an individual is PROTECTED AGAINST INFECTION BY RECEIVING ANTIBODIES.
when attacked by the same pathogens again, they don't became seriously ill. this is because memory cells are able to recognise the antigens and stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against the pathogens. This is known as NATURAL ACTIVE ACQUIRED IMMUNITY. It develops when one recovers from an infection.
During pregnancy, the mother passes antibodies across the placenta to the foetus. At birth the baby gets antibodies from the mother through breast milk. This is natural passive acquired immunity.
The prolonged exposure to cortisol hormone may cause different health problems including anxiety, depression, muscle atrophy, hypertension, metabolic problems, diabetes, myopathies, osteoporosis, etc.
Cortisol is a stress hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, it is a steroid hormone that is involved in diverse functions including the control of metabolic and immune responses, salt balance (blood pressure), etc. Moreover, cortisol hormone also has anti-inflammatory properties. However, prolonged exposure to stress hormones like cortisol is associated with different health problems, especially anxiety and depression.
1. Reduced production of waste materials
2. Increased reuse of older materials
3. Use more renewable sources of energy
4. Decrease the rate of fires through alternate means of warmth
5. Burn down less forests and find better means of farming
The evolution of emotion that’s what Charles Darwin conduct
Before making a salad, you should wash your hands, clean all utensils, clean the produce itself, cut off any wilted/bruised areas, and/or throw away the produce if any mold is found.