Bacteria are a group of single celled organisms that are neither plants or animals.
Bacteria lack cell organelles such as the nucleus and the chlorophyll.
They can be found in many environments and most of them are adapted to survive in extreme environments such as hot-springs where the temperatures are extremely high.
Unlike the plant cell wall, bacterial cell wall has a layer of peptidoglucan which determines their shape. Their cytoplasm contains both DNA and RNA.
Natural selection
Sexual selection refers to the natural selection where the allele frequencies of a population are changed due to nonrandom mating between the individuals. Certain preferences for the mate by organisms result in sexual selection. It is mostly exhibited by females.
For example, peahen prefers the peacocks with elaborate tail features as their mate. The sexual selection also occurs when there is competition among the members of the same sex for a mate. This type of sexual selection is mostly exhibited by males and results in fighting and display.
40: 3
41: 1
40: When trying to achieve a better or sharper image on a microscope, the part of the microscope that needs to be adjusted is the "fine focus" which is responsible for better/sharper image by either moving the stage or the eyepiece. The fine focus is labelled C in the image.
41: Chromosomes contain hereditary materials (genes) that are responsible for an organism's trait. All organisms have their individual genetic materials in their cells and in the case of the onion cells, it's genetic materials (genes) are stored in the chromosomes hence it is important the cells have these chromosomes. Thus, the correct option is 1
Answer: There are two main types of UAVs used for remote sensing applications: fixed-wing and rotary wing.
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