To sell the war to the nation, the government raised taxes. It raised ⅓ of the war effort from raising taxes with progressive income, war profit tax, tobacco, liquor, and luxurious goods. They also had thousands of people asking for money and guilted them if they didn't give them any by saying only "a friend of Germany" wouldn't help.
Millions of families lost their savings as numerous banks collapsed in the early 1930s. Unable to make mortgage or rent payments, many were deprived of their homes or were evicted from their apartments. Both working-class and middle-class families were drastically affected by the Depression.
Millions of families lost their savings as numerous banks collapsed in the early 1930s. Unable to make mortgage or rent payments, many were deprived of their homes or were evicted from their apartments. Both working-class and middle-class families were drastically affected by the Depression.
While there were many other factors, threats and violence definitely were key aspects to Hitler's rise to power. His use of terror tactics made people obedient through fear. After acting upon his threats, they knew if they didn't follow him, there was a good chance they would die. He used a sort of manipulation that while brutal, tends to be effective, as portrayed through many events and leaders in history, such as the French Revolution, Mao Zedong (China), Stalin (Russia), and Leopold II (Congo).
D. The Supreme Court refused to get involved in fear of disrupting the balance of power
On the contrary, the Supreme Court <u>DID</u> get involved and ordered him to deliver tape recordings and other subpoenaed materials to a federal district court.
The Seven Year's War shifted the balance of power in favor of the English