Insecure. One major thing that cheating can say about a person is the fact that they are very insecure if they are unfaithful outside of their main relationship. Insecurity can mean that they seek a confidence boost and bolstering of their ego by feeling attractive to other people.
probaly conformity the girls were all dancing I'm the woods alone doing something which they weren't supposed to, therefore the girls played it up as witch craft so they wouldn't get into trouble, the faint is clearly a part of this act, betty was in fear of her uncle because it would bring shame and trouble to her name. This is most likely an effort for the girls to conform into society without being seen as vile heathens in society.
because either way that is your family, i am not sure what your dealing with but it gets better.
no matter if you were close to them or not its your blood so youre gonna miss them no matter what, moments may relive in your head also. but no matter what your brain has a system to miss people you may not always fully love.