1. The poet is expressing the feeling when you feel like you want something so bad and life doesn’t give it to you. You get sad and feel frustrated and confused but in reality, life is protecting you from something that could potentially hurt you.
2. “because chocolate makes dogs very sick
my dog does not understand this” and “When I want something
with my whole being, and the universe withholds it
from me. I hope the universe thinks to herself
Silly girl. She thinks this is what she wants
but she does not understand how it will hurt.” are some.
3. i find the phrasing of the quote “i hope the universe thinks to herself: silly girl she thinks this is what she wants but she does not understand how it will hurt” and strongly like it for multiple reasons. Firstly, notice how the poet refers to the universe as a “she”. The poet uses personification to express how they believe the universe is protecting them, just like a person would. Also i like the universe’s thoughts because i feel like the way it is written the reader is invited to connect it to whatever situation they may relate to.
5. I wish people would understand that sometimes things don’t work out the way you thought they would; and that’s okay. It’s okay that you didn’t get that job you wanted or that you broke up with your partner. Sad things happen in life all the time and despite them being sad, most of the time they happen to help us learn and grow as people. And, as the poet says, sometimes things have a reason for not happening. For all you know, your greatest wish could be extremely harmful to you.
Predict or understand current or upcoming behaviors is the answer.
The question asks about flamingos, but in general, studying and/or observing both living and dead creatures or species can lead to understand a specific behavior during some part of the year or it can also help to predict how the may act under specific circumstances.

The Correct choice will be : 3. " refuge "
" During the tsunami, my family took <u>refuge</u> in a guest house on the hill. "
[ The other words are not suitable for the situation expressed by the sentence ]