The fundamental structure of a chromosome is subject to mutation, which will most likely occur during crossing over at meiosis.
La arcilla es la más rica de los minerales del suelo, y contiene nutrientes como hierro, potasio y calcio. Las partículas más pequeñas del suelo provienen de la arcilla, la cual puede llegar a ser muy densa y difícil de ser trabajada.
The cleanliness of a ecosystem or how healthy it is. It determines how clean an environment/ecosystem is. You need all types of animals living there, therefore making it more healthy. The more healthy, the more we can say that it is biodiverse.
True! because without gravity the spacecraft wouldn't go where there wanted it, in the time that they wanted it
neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger that carries, boosts, and balances signals between neurons (also known as nerve cells) and target cells throughout the body.