Answer: Motivational.
Explanation: This service announcement is directed towards kids. It's trying to encourage and motivate them to conserve energy. You can also use the process of elimination to cross out "aggressive" and "angry." It's not showing any strong emotions either, so it's not emotional.
The correct answer is B.
In "Araby," the boy learns that his love for Mangan's sister is in vain, that Araby is not an exotic event (despite its exotic-sounding name), and that he will not be able to buy a gift for Mangan's sister.
What he does not learn, however, is that Mangan's sister has feelings for him, too. The only thing he learns is that she is disappointed she cannot attend Araby because she has a prior commitment.
Technology affects everyone! Whether positive or negative, we are all affected, how it manifests itself into problems for youth will be studied and debated for years. Balancing technology throughout the educational process and keeping with current trends and uses of technology will affect everyone. Technology has transformed our youth’s daily and social lives. How do we measure the effects of technology on our ability to socialize or have a successful social life? Socializing is not just talking face to face, it’s our ability to interact, learn, and create original thought. Technology hindering today’s youth and their ability to socialize is affecting their capacity to read, write, and communicate. Today’s youth depends on careful considerations for the implementation of technologies. Our youth do not have the capability to convey their emotions through the use of technology, understand sadness, happiness or joy through simple text or emails. Communicating through the use of text, chat, and social network sites is lost using abbreviations and slang, inhibiting the use of the Standard English language. Using computers and hand held devices for relationships, reading, writing, and entertainment, turning them into introverted and socially inept individuals. Current trends resonating from our educational institutions to our workplace can be examples of how technology has altered the way younger people communicate. This tragedy transcends from youth to adulthood affecting the workplace. Social networking sites have begun to take hours away from employers. How do students understand ethical and moral dilemmas unless they are allowed to make mistakes and work through a particular problem? Creative and original thought needs...
In the first stanza, the poet describes a time that he felt lonely and came upon a field of daffodils.
Answer: Option A
‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ is a beautiful poem written by William Wordsworth. In the first stanza the poet states that how he was wandering as lonely as a cloud when suddenly he comes across golden daffodils. Here Wordsworth have describe the daffodils as ‘golden’ to bring a majestic effect.
In lines 5 and 6 the poet provides the description of where he sees the daffodils. He sees it ‘beside the lake and below the trees’ which where fluttering and dancing. Here the poet gives daffodils of human quality of dancing.