It is very true that masculinity and femininity are very strongly dependent on the society in which these terms are used. While there are genetic differences underlying the phenotype of being more masculine (having a bigger jaw, more hair on the body), there are also a lot of societal factors determining what is considered to be masculine and what feminine in a society.
Red platelets are too vast to leave any capillaries. As capillaries are just a single cell thick and have thin porous dividers this implies substances can diffuse out of them effortlessly. Helpful substances, for example, oxygen and sustenance diffuse out of the blood in the vessels into the tissue liquid where it is then taken to the cells.
Yes, A is correct. Taking a shower is not an automatic bodily function
Like healthy cells, cancer cells cannot live without oxygen and nutrients. So they send out signals, called androgenic factors, that encourage new blood vessels to grow into the tumor. This is called parthenogenesis. Without a blood supply, a tumor can't grow much bigger than a pin head.