The truth about the aim occupation o wounded knee apex is that it ended up in arrests and two people died. Indian protesters were killed on the site of the historical Indian Massacre and it raised public awareness of broken treaties.
It was signed on June 28, 1919, by the Allied and associated powers and by Germany in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles and went into effect on January 10, 1920.
World War 2
About 750,000 members of the British armed forces died. German submarines sank almost 8 million short tons (7 million metric tons) of British shipping. The war also created severe economic problems for the United Kingdom and shook its position as a world power.
The First World War had a profound impact upon British society. ... The central agent of change was the British state. In the early stages of the war, its role was largely confined to security issues such as the Defence of the Realm Act, censorship and aliens. But from 1915 onwards, state power was extended into new areas.
Mason did not suffer fools gladly. Patience was not one of his hallmarks.