skin damage,cancer,global warming.
Both waves have a bad effect to us.
Health Belief Model
The Health Belief Model posits that the perceived threat of a disease and the belief in the efficacy of a health plan will motivate a person to adopt a behavior or action. For this model to be truly applicable, there would be a
- Perceived susceptibility: This means that the person believes that he or she stands the risk of having the disease.
- Perceived benefits: If a certain cause of action seems effective, the individual is likely to adopt it since it is beneficial.
- Cue to action: These are indicators that move a person to change. Some of them include; the sickness of an acquaintance, a health awareness program, or even a symptom like pain.
Engaging in less physical activity.
Health-related behaviors: This refers to practices, activities or personal attributes, and habits that can put at risk or enhance the overall performance of the participants including mental, psycho-social, and physical well-being.
Examples: Physical activity, diet, coping with stressful events, and sleep are the factors that can get affected by health-related behaviors.