yeah mine is venmous and maniac
The aesthetic practice itself is slightly different because the goal for this realistic makeup in China is to as closely simulate verisimilitude and as an authentic kind of representation of a foreigner as possible, even though this is not possible," says Claire Conceison, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The fundamental principles of Martha Graham's technique for choreography are based on
- the contraction and liberation of the body, a technique that was developed as a stylized representation of the breath and, depending on the context, symbolized the dancer's surrender to the emotions.
- the displacement of the body, considering the fall and the recovery, manipulating the body's center of gravity to control the moment and direction of a fall.
- the spirals, which consist of rotating the spine about 45° around its vertical axis, so that a dancer facing the front of the stage aligns his shoulders with the "Via Triumphalis", an imaginary line parallel to a corner of the stage.
This photograph symbolizes the event by displaying the sorrow and pain of the soldiers atop the rubble and death of battle, while at the same time commemorating their courage and strength as they place an American flag at the scene of the battle. It serves as a reminder of their courage and the strength America has as a nation. It documents history for ever more and narrates the final scene of the battle.
That is Martin Luther, he is a german professor of theology