I believe that the answer for this is option B. Since there is an advocate given for a limited government, this would most likely contradict the modern American bureaucracy for the reason that the shift of bureaucracy is too much that the federal power between the President to the Congress becomes imbalance.
the first amendendment
the first amendemnt with holds the freedom of spech,press,assemble,religion and petition
There are two major peninsulas in northern europe, the Denmark Peninsula, which is also known as the Jutland Peninsula, and the scandinavian peninsula, (norway and sweden)
This should answer your question. the previous user's answer only names europe as a whole, while mine answers it as northern peninsula
President Carter condemned South Africa, a place famous for the Apartheid. Apartheid was segregation of Africans in South Africa in favor of the Caucasian citizens who ran the government. Apartheid was extremely racist and people there were treated as if they had no rights at all.