Hello! I can help you with this!
1. The construction of the Great Wall began in the Qin dynasty under the first emperor Shi Huangti. The answer is B: Qin.
2. A and B do not explain some of the reasons the empire declined. A and B are eliminated. Tax revenue went down, but it wasn’t exactly due to tax cuts. People just started disobeying the rules. There were emperors that ruled for their own amusement. The scholars and generals were searching for lots of power. The answer is C.
Answer: In the Divine Right of Kings led to his dismissing parliament in 1629 and ruling without them. The fact that he did not have a parliament to grant him money meant that he had to tax his people heavier and introduce unpleasant taxes such as ship money (see above).
When the Pullman Company began to lay off workers and cut wages this led to direct result of the Pullman strike
Pullman strike was a non-violent strike which led to the closure of the Western roads which took place against Pullman company This resulted due to poor salaries and wages to workers. Pullman also had increased working hours where workers worked for long at low wages and also cut jobs.
Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Wisconsin
Trade. Greece's main exports were olive oil, wine, pottery, and metalwork. Imports included grains and pork from Sicily, Arabia, Egypt, Ancient Carthage, and the Bosporan Kingdom.
Explanation: for more infomation aka "source" is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_ancient_Greece