Era o zi frumoasa de 5 septembrie. Soarele patea puternic.
Ma pregateam sa merg in parc cu bunicu. Ne indreptam spre statia de troleibuz 70. In dreum am vazut anunturi pe care scriau : SIMFONII DE TOAMNA VOR AVEA UN CONCERT PE DATA DE 5 SEPTEMBRIE LA ORA 18:00. LOCUL DESFASURII ESTE LA ROSETI IN AER LIBER . INTRAREA ESTE LIBERA. Atunci spus bunicului sa mergem la acest concert.
Concertul incepuse cu 2 min inainte. Aici am asculta muzica de GEORGE ENESCU. Mi.a placut toate melodiile pe care cantat.
La sfarsit am facut cunostinta cu dirijor pe care il chema(alegi tu) si cu canteretii sai .
Ciar a fost un concert de minune.
Science can be defined as the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
The idea of science is a set of rational knowledge by man, which can be confirmed by experimentation.
In some cases, the conclusion, assertion, and scientific theories are certain or probable. This is because scientific theories are characterized by assumptions.
Most times, the scientific knowledge are rational knowledge. The knowledge does not encompasses historical ideas and metaphysical ideology. Upon this, some authors concluded that the most common concepts about science are considered incomplete.
First, we should remember and or understand that Venn diagrams doesn't always have intersections. Some diagrams don't have intersection, yet they're represented on a Venn diagram. They would each be represented on their own. That being said,
Text talk is a novel, and it is usually a narrative one. In text talk, you can have discussion among characters.
Hyperpoetry can be said to be a type of digital poetry
A blog is basically a website that displays a contents or niches of different purposes.
From the above definitions, we can see that there is no intersection among the three, and thus, their Venn Diagram would be independent circles.
Answer: we peeled off our sodden coats
The part of the sentence uses description to hold the readers interest is "we peeled off our sodden coats". Sodden means something that's soaked.
In this case, the narrator could have just written that "we took off our soaked coats" but rather, a description to hold the interest of the reader was used.
Its a street in the central Barcelona? not sure if correct just asumming