the most geographically diverse, incorporating geographic regions such as the temperate rainforests of the Northwest, the highest mountain ranges (including the Rocky Mountains, and the Sierra Nevada), the western portions of the Great Plains, and all of the desert areas located in the United States
Justices make decisions based on LEGAL factors such as precedent and norms, and POLITICAL factors such as ideology and sensitivity to public opinion. Justices are humans too and are just as susceptible to political ideology as the rest of us.
1.) A
2.) B
3.) B
1.) Exp:
- This made the mill run faster and increase the amount of product that could be manufactured in a certain time limit than before.
2.) Exp:
- During this time women fought for the right to work in factories and vote so in return less of them were staying at home.
3.) Exp:
- The south has certain materials as did the north but they each used each others materials cause some were easier to get ahold of.
The minority party in the House also elected leaders, the house minority leader and the minority whip, whose jobs mirror those of their majority-party colleagues but without the power that comes from holding a majority in the House.
The minority leader functions as the head of the opposition and is the minority equivalent to the Speaker. Even though minority and majority leaders share various primary responsibilities in the administration, minority leader represents a minority party and its standards and serves as a protector for its rights.
Differences between Eastern and Western Coastal Plains are:
1. The Eastern Coastal plain lies along the east coast of India and is washed by the Bay of Bengal whereas the Western Coastal Plain lies along the west coast of India and is washed by The Arabian Sea.
2. The East Coast plain runs smoothly from the north to the south with a broad plain and level surface whereas the West Coast plain also runs from the north to the south and it is in some places intersected by the mountain ridges.
3. The large rivers make wide deltas on the Eastern Coastal Plains. But the short swift rivers do not make any deltas on the West Coast.