Cerebrum is in the most anterior part of our brain, fronting of the skull. It functions in sensory and neural processes. Cerebellum is found at the back of the skull. It functions in coordination, balance and muscular activity. Medulla oblongata connects from the spinal cord which controls heart and lungs. Pons is part of the brainstem which controls breathing and communication.
Most of the fungal species reproduce through spores. Spores are the reproductive structures of fungi that help in the survival of fungal species under unfavorable conditions and their dispersal to new habitats. Fungal spores are very light in weight and are dispersed with wind currents.
For example, ascospores are the sexual spores produced by fungal species of the group ascomycetes and are carried with the wind.
Above 30 degrees farenhieit or 0 degrees celcius there would be rain below there would be snow
The first organism in the food chain is the producer.
After the egg drops it travels to the Fallopian tube , where there is a 24 hour period for fertilization , then if it is fertilized it travels to the uterus attaches to the wall and grows for nine months.. Then boom! theres a baby