To the judicial branch to be interpreted and then the executive enforces laws
Divorce is mentioned in the Bible, the main source of authority and guidance for Christians. Jesus's teaching on divorce is that it would lead to adultery, which is forbidden in the Ten Commandments, but he did allow for divorce in the case of a partner's infidelity.
Over time, its economic and military might waned and along with it, the empire's capacity to seize an opportunity. Add in civil unrest, natural disasters and powerful enemies such as the Arabs, Seljuk Turks, Bulgars, Normans, Slavs, and Ottoman Turks, and you can see why the Byzantine Empire eventually crumbled.
Jefferson Davis. TITLE. President. WAR. &. AFFILIATION. Civil War ... A slaveholder, Davis firmly believed in the importance of the institution of slavery ... Davis' loyalty to these people led to bickering and quarrels throughout his administration.