The United States government consisted of three branch.
- The Legislative branch - that is responsible to create laws/legislations.
- The Executive branch -that is responsible to implement those laws/legislations
- The Judicial branch - that is responsible to interpret laws.
Congress is a part of the legislative branch. They are involved in the creation of any form of laws/legislations that are passed by US government. This include the amendments within the constitution.
Its important to first understand what civic duty means. Civic duties include, for example, obeying the laws of the country, paying the taxes levied by the government, or serving on a jury or as a witness in court. These are things that are required by citizens of a country. Thus to go beyond ones civic duty would be to do more than what is required of oneself for the betterment of the community. With that in mind the correct answers would be 1) Voting in local, state and national elections; 2) Volunteering to work at a local homeless shelter; and 4) Learning about major national issues being debated in Congress. <em>These three things are not required of citizens and thus would be going beyond ones civic duties. </em>
Reform. By the late 1860s, citizens began demanding civil service reform. ... After each election the outgoing President applied the Pendleton Act to jobs held by his political supporters. By 1900, most federal jobs were handled through civil service and the spoils system was limited only to very senior positions.
An accurate description would be that he was acquitted of all charges. The house of representatives charged him with obstruction of justice and perjury, but after a hearing by the senate he was acquitted of all charges. This was mostly all done because he was cheating on his wife Hillary with Monica Lewinsky who was an intern in the white house at that time and he claimed under oath that it wasn't the case
WW1 had set the stage for WW1 during the 20th century due to imperialist nations who competed and developed alliances, militarism, imperialism, and nationalism. These techniques were often used to gain power and territory, but the clash between major players developed wars. For example, Germany developed a militaristic sense after its shortage of power due to WW1 and the worldwide economic decline. The German people had no choice but to let Hitler "save" them, after observing the poor conditions the country was in. Alliances caused a chain reaction and caused rivalries, leading to the second world war.