Lucky event
In the investments market a true measure of market efficiency is to get a track record of positive outcome from investors over time.
The lucky event problem occurs when an investor makes a profit on investment not because of how efficient a market is or by a logical procedure, but rather by chance.
In the given scenario Keyes put all his money in one stock that doubled in 3 months.
However this was not replicated among other investors who made similar vets on other stocks and lost.
This is an exams of lucky event problem in determining market efficiency.
C) low-ball technique.
The low ball sales technique is legal, although it is also deceiving. It refers to a technique where a good or service is offered at a low price to attract customers' attention, and then the product or service is offered at a much higher price to include all the amenities or functions initially offered.
This is a very common car sales technique where a car is advertised at a certain price and the features offered correspond to a higher trim. Once the customers approach the dealership, they are told that the advertised price was for the basic model and that the advertised car is actually worth much more.
Answer: rotate the bottom to the right, top to bottom and right to top
it's known as a margin call.
Buying on margin is borrowing money from a broker in order to purchase stock. Margin trading allows you to buy more stock than you'd be able to normally.