How did a clever Scottish engineer become the “Father of the Industrial Revolution”? After repairing a Newcomen steam engine, Ja
mes Watt (1736–1819) became fascinated with the idea of improving the device. Within a few months, he knew he had a product that would sell. Still, Watt lacked the money needed to produce and market it. Fortunately, he was able to form a partnership with the shrewd manufacturer Matthew Boulton. They then founded Soho Engineering Works in Birmingham, England, to manufacture steam engines. Watt’s version of the steam engine had a separate condensing chamber and was patented in 1769. Eventually, a measure of mechanical and electrical power, the watt, would be named for James Watt. How might the Industrial Revolution have been different if Watt had not found a business partner?
While the idea of using steam power ... engineer James Watt improved the steam engine that it ... For thousands of years following the rise of civilization, most peo- ... in Britain, the Industrial Revolution has spread to the rest of ... began to disappear. ... device. Within a few months, he knew he had a product that would sell.