Scout is able to narrate historical moments and very broad social causes of American society, while Rachel narrates only from her own perspective.
Although Scout and Rachel are very punctual and efficient narrators in presenting their perspectives, thoughts and emotions about the experiences and events they witnessed, they differ in a very important point. This point is the historical and social factor.
Rachel narrates only the facts that are directly related to her, while Scout narrates the facts about her, about historical events and about very broad and impacting social causes in American society. Scout has the ability to narrate prejudice, about southern society, about intolerance, about religious hypocrisy, about incorrect judgment, racism and other causes.
The story Bone and marrow talks of people without a family setting, children who do not have what they desire that have been lost into a cruel world.
Surbhi a refugee who has born in the camp that has no life of his own that only dreamt of fortune coming his ways. Jimmie also lost her mum and finds herself also in the camp they both hook up and writes their future. The family setting here looks like an illusion to the struggling surbhi, and the family situation is such that is pitiful as no one could stand as a family for the small children.
A. Landon must decide whether to go on a senior trip now that his best friend cant go.
An internal conflict is a decision that must be made. The decision is usually difficult because there are pros and cons to either side. Even though Jennifer not being able to find the eggs seems like it's only Jennifer's problem, it's not an internal conflict. It is not only taking place within her head. She's actually in a battle with the eggs who are "hiding". Bobi's conflict with the video game console is also external because it's not within her. The cat fighting the dog is a clear cut case of external conflict as it is two different things battling it out.
the answer is A they were originally horizontal
23. 1920s and well
24. Golden retriever and greatly
25. finally and extremely
26. Large and carefully