Recycled Ammonia
Ammonia can be extracted from livestock wastewater and used as a fertilizer. There are systems available that extract the ammonia and mix it with acids to create ammonium citrate or ammonium nitrate, both of which can be used as fertilizers. The extraction system removes ammonia from the waste, which significantly reduces the amount of ammonia that is released into the air. This has the added bonus of improving the air quality where animals are kept.
The acquired immune system, with help from the innate system, produces cells (antibodies) to protect your body from a specific invader. These antibodies are developed by cells called B lymphocytes after the body has been exposed to the invader. The antibodies stay in your child's body.
The nucleus is primarily stores most of the cell's DNA.
It is made up of two chains which coils around each other, together they form a helical structure tat further carries the genetic information, which will help in the development, functioning and also the growth and reproduction in all known organism and in viruses. The nucleus is stored in it and the nucleus has the genetic material. They are composed of the nucleotides, in which each nucleotide has four nitrogen. These nucleotides are together joined with covalent bond to each other. Together they have the biological information.
Heyy there.
I'm thinking that it would be B. or D. but idk exactly which one it is.
I hope you figure out wat it is.
B. Thinnest under the oceans and thickest under continents
D. Least dense layer overall, consists of two layers of different thickness
Good Luck and enjoy the rest of ur day!! ^^
There is no way around it: food production must become sustainable. Norway is striving to do its share with the help of ground-breaking technology. Sustainable development