A prime number is a whole number greater than one who's only factors are one and itself. The prime symbol is usually used to A) denote two distinct but similar objects or B) to denote the derivative. It could be described as a seperator.
For a glacier to grows it takes snowfall at their origin, the snow will get heavier, and the snow beneath it will become dense and become ice.
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The beginning of the Precambrian<span> period starts with the formation of Earth about 4.5 billion years ago and ends at the first sign of complex life about 540 million years ago. Though the </span>Precambrian<span> Period is often referred to as a period, it's actually the only supereon, which means that it spans multiple eons. The Precambrian is known as the geologic era. The Precambrian is the 1st era. hope that helped</span>