sum average and count is the answer
Peopleware is a term used to refer to one of the three core aspects of computer technology, the other two being hardware and software.
Apple uses social media to promote their products and increase user-engagement. This is a very effective method of advertising.
Proprietary networks are those that are privately and exclusively managed, controlled and even owned by some organizations.
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are companies that provide internet access services to companies and consumer products. They allow devices to connect to the internet. They offer much more than just internet access. They also offer related services such as email access, web development and virtual hosting.
ISPs can be open source or proprietary. They could be owned by a community, a firm and even non-profit organizations.
The following python code loops through each line within a file called text.txt and counts all the words, then it divides this count by the number of sentences in the text file. Finally, output the average number of words per sentence.
f = open("text.txt", "r")
all_words = 0
sentences = 0
for x in f:
list = x.split(' ')
all_words += len(list)
sentences += 1
average = all_words / sentences
print("There are an average of " + str(average.__round__()) + " words in each sentence.")